The Eisenhower Media Network (EMN)

is an organization of expert former military, intelligence, and civilian national security officials.

Our experts offer credible, independent, and critical analysis grounded in real-world practitioner experience and years of sustained study and scholarship.

EMN seeks to reach broad, cross-partisan audiences in diverse media outlets and among the American people – who increasingly sense that U.S. foreign policy today is not making them, or the world, safer.

What We Do

EMN hones and focuses the existing energy and talent of experts who have been there, done that, and taken the time learn and apply lessons “from the inside” of generational war and the military-industrial complex that feeds it.

Our experts offer alternative analyses untainted by Pentagon or defense industry ties. They counter Washington’s establishment narrative on most national security issues of the day.

They oppose systemic corruption, nepotism, and the undue influence that the military-industrial-congressional complex — through its money and army of “revolving door” lobbyists — has on the policymaking process.

More About Our Experts