Lasting peace is in the best interest of our nation. That will happen only when every American has a direct stake—whether monetary or physical—in its execution.
Lasting peace is in the best interest of our nation. That will happen only when every American has a direct stake—whether monetary or physical—in its execution.
Retired U.S. Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson joins the MintCast director Mnar Adley to discuss the decline and possible fall of the U.S. empire.
“The first thing any sane commander-in-chief with an urge to help this country would do is cancel those new nuclear delivery systems tomorrow. Instead of rearming, America should begin disarming, but don’t hold your breath on that one.”
Fellow Coleen Rowley discusses the bipartisan support for Israel in DC, the decline of the American empire, the U.S.’ addiction to forever wars, and the ongoing attack on whistleblowers like herself.
Fellow Gregory A. Daddis breaks down the falsehoods and self-promotion featured in David Petraeus’ most recent Foreign Affairs opinion piece.
Fellow Ann Wright lays out the history of self-immolation to protest war and how Bushnell’s act could impact U.S. policy for the war on Gaza.
I think the Biden Administration’s primary choice will be to target Iranian Revolutionary Guard forces’ (IRGC) facilities in Syria and Iraq.
The world sits perched on the verge of the greatest evil, an ever worsening genocide that, if it cannot be stopped, will serve to erase international law in favor of ‘might makes right.’
“Post-1945, Americans, by and large, do not learn lessons; and most certainly not American presidents or the Congress.”