“Post-1945, Americans, by and large, do not learn lessons; and most certainly not American presidents or the Congress.”
U.S. Colonel Larry Wilkerson discusses the Biden administration’s unconditional support for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s bombardment of Gaza and large-scale indiscriminate attacks on Palestinian civilians.
This is not our war.
I wish we could look at this world, that is changing so fast it’s
blinding, and accommodate it. Because if we don’t, we’re going to be behind the
train watching it go down the track.
We told them after they disbanded the Warsaw Pact that we could not expand NATO, not one inch. And we did that, we lied.
US and NATO tanks will not serve as wonder weapons to win the war for Ukraine
U.S. and NATO tanks will not serve as wonder weapons to win the war for Ukraine.
Abrams—with its firepower, with its speed, with its armor—is a ‘king of the battlefield.’
Western military aid has created a stalemate in Ukraine.