I can tell you one thing with certainty: our generals know one word and it’s not “win,” it’s more.
More nuclear missiles. More nuclear bombers. They’ll never get enough.
The same is true of certain members of Congress and the president. So, the American people need to learn two words, no more, and say them repeatedly to those same generals and their enablers, when they come asking for almost $2 trillion for that nuclear modernization program of theirs.
In that spirit, I ask you to join a young Air Force lieutenant as he walks past Cheyenne Mountain’s massive blast door and down the long tunnel.
Join him in taking a deep breath as you exit that darkness into clear crystalline skies and survey the city lights beneath you and the pulse of humanity before you. Another night’s duty done; another night that nuclear war didn’t come; another day to enjoy the blessings of this wonder-filled planet of ours.
America’s new cold war puts those very blessings, that wonder, in deep peril.
It’s why we must walk ever so boldly out of tunnels built by fear and greed and never return to them.
We need to say “no more” to new nuclear weapons and recommit to the elimination of all such weaponry everywhere.
Read the full article here.
The American people need to learn two words, no more, and say them…to those same generals and their enablers, when they come asking for almost $2 trillion for that nuclear modernization program of theirs.
William Astore