Ukraine will be toxic for decades.
“What it all comes back to is a very short-sighted desire for political scoring.”
War, and its sister war in Iraq, were glaring cesspools of corruption, fraud and waste that succeeded only in enriching corrupt officials, empowering warlords and profiting arms and development companies while building governments and armies that were nothing more than houses of cards.
Support for these anti-LGTBQ+ nations with the death penalty ranges from tens of millions to hundreds of billions of dollars.
There’s no ability to progress when there is war.
We can have a peaceful future by standing with international law and against all cross-border wars of aggression.
With the escalation ladder, you only go up or down. There is no side to side.
There is a broader level of commercial greed in the context of the Ukraine War that cannot be dismissed or ignored.
Matt Hoh as Associate Director was instrumental in getting this letter into the Times
The perception is that things are out of control.