Listen to EMN Fellow Christian Sorensen on WBAI News discuss how this NDAA is a record budget and why you should take the amendment to repeal the 2002 AMUF with more than a grain of salt.
Take any verbal commitments to repeal the 2002 AMUF with a lot of salt—many grains of salt.
First of all, they’ve talked about this before and they’ve never repealed it.
And it’s going to be presented as an amendment within the current NDAA. So, there’s plenty of opportunity to get rid of that amendment in committee, which is usually how they pass the NDAA…
The overall military industrial complex knows that the fine print in the repeal will NOT reduce the overall U.S. military’s global reach, nor the military budget.
Remember, this NDAA is a record budget.
Higher than any peak at the Cold War, adjusted for inflation.
And higher than anything under the Trump administration as well.
So we need to be very careful there.
Listen to the full episode here.
Remember, this NDAA is a record budget.
Higher than any peak at the Cold War, adjusted for inflation.
Christian Sorensen