The funding bill proves that Ike’s military-industrial-congressional complex continues to grow unchecked in America.
The U.S. has lost all credibility when it comes to crimes against humanity.
Rather than prolong this war and wasting tens of billions of dollars Americans can use in their communities, Congress should demand a diplomatic end.
Military officers and senior enlisted who understand the risks posed by current policy must speak up, especially those at the highest levels.
Escalation only benefits the weapons industry and warmongering politicians. Ending Israel’s war on the Palestinians, however, will de-escalate this crisis.
American people, we were fooled in supporting a war in Iraq by our government – shame on them. If we are fooled again with a war in Iran – shame on us.
How the U.S. responds to the ICJ ruling will be a test of post-WWII actions to advance civilization and ensure never again had real meaning.
The more the U.S. tries to rely solely on military solutions to maintain control, the deeper the fractures between the U.S. and the majority of the world.
The more the U.S. tries to rely solely on military solutions to maintain control, the deeper the fractures between the U.S. and the majority of the world.
Supplying weapons and munitions to enable Israel to carry out its ethnic cleansing campaign in Gaza is a violation of U.S. and international laws.