Endless wars create an endless stream of veterans, who as you see in “What I Want You To Know,” are left questioning whether their sacrifices led to something better.
The Iraq War wasn’t an honest mistake. It was a calculated effort executed to fulfill a political agenda.
Most Americans don’t even understand that war is real when they are watching it on television.
Here I am 20 years later and still talking about it today
Most Americans don’t even understand that war is real when they are watching it on television.
We should not be sending any of our young men and women off to war unless it’s truly about the defense of our nation. Once we send them off to war, we need to take care of them always—not just on Veterans Day.
As someone who was closely involved with the Department of Defense’s Wounded Warrior Program for nearly fifteen years, I have seen firsthand the devastating effects that burn pits have had on our veterans.
y the time the last American troops leave Afghanistan in 2021, there are almost ten times as many contractors as there are American soldiers
If military veterans are dangerous, it’s because they feel betrayed.